Thursday, August 2, 2007
What is the Real inconvenient truth?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Wast of time?
If you have some spare minutes, give it a look
I know is useless, but I can't help to love it, this kid rocks, great talent and wrist.
I know is useless, but I can't help to love it, this kid rocks, great talent and wrist.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Los clasicos nunca mueren
In the laps of 4 days I've been in two dancing shows, quite different between them.
The first one was a contemporary dance from a Filipine guy, pretty well considered and the second show was a Tango event with live music included.
I'm supposed to be a young person, pretty far away from the tango times. Contemporary is the "in" thing, letting your body express all your emotions, and I can't help but love and enjoy Tango way better.
I don't feel identified with contemporary, and eventhough I appreciate the skills and hard work that is involve in it, it just doesn't touch me.
Maybe is that i haven't seen the "appropiate" contemporary dance that touches my soul, that evoques certain feelings or reactions, but at the same time I watch Tango, listen to the music and my body starts tingling, I just want to stand up and dance.
Why is that? I wasn't born with it, but that broken voice, singing about happiness and sorrows, and betrays, and the moves of the dancers, expressing every beat, it just looks sooo cool.
The same with salsa, waltz, swing and even foxtrot, thoes are no dances from my generation and I always enjoyed the music (now i can even dance them).
Could it be that I'm the reencarnation of someone from the past? Could it be that that soul took over of my current life and that's why I feel more comfortable with old songs than with new ones?
hmmm.... maybe not, since I really love house and dance music, but anyways, I just think is curious how differ can be one type of music from the other, and love them both.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Great weekend
First I should apologize because it's been almost a month since my last post.
I'm not following through with my statement of keeping this blog update. But the fact of not having internet at home makes it more difficult to post in a regular basis. And also that my everyday life is not as exciting that would make the blog interesting.
But this past weekend was great. Was awesome from begining til end, like in the good old days.
It all started last friday at 19:00 with my drop-in Volleyball at Britannia Community Center.
3 hours of great volleyball, with my favorite players. We defenitively broke a sweat. And then straight from there I went salsa dancing to Diavolos until 2:00. I WAS TIRED. That was a great workout and even more challenging if you count that this past week I was sick with a cold but I think I sweat off those viruses :D
Saturday started pretty early, waking up at 8:30, way before my alarm went off (i don't know what is happening lately, but my body doesn't want to sleep in like it used to) and I went to play tennis with the turkish crowd. I played most of the morning with Feza and we were really hitting that ball, it was a really good game. And after I practiced with Adriana, that being a beginer she has a great reverse move, she has a lot of potential, Kournikova is smoked.
The rest of the saturday was pretty lazy. I needed some rest so I half napped on my couch watching 'The holiday' until it was time to have Morrocan dinner at Feza and Adriana's place.
We had cuscus, and it was just amazing. Adriana is an excelent cook, and I know is a lot of work for her and becomes a full day process when you want to do it the right way, but lucky me I just have to eat it. She was also pretty pleased with the result but I don't think she will repeat it any time soon. She deserves a break. Anyone wants to organize a dinner? I can bring the wine.
And just like that it was sunday. A not too clear sunday at first, I didn't know what was laying infront of us, but Mr. Sun decided to appear and warm up a fantastic day.
I went with Jason to Squamish (you can see some photos in the flickr site). Once we got on site I understood why he invited me to got with him, he needed the beauty of my biceps to carry some logs hehehe.
It was and easy job "vinimos, vimos y les dimos una patada en el culo!!"
Ok..... maybe not that easy,.... ok.... maybe my biceps are not that impresive, but we had a good time. The area is beautiful with still some snow at the top of the mountains, and the sun warming up the scene.
I'm not following through with my statement of keeping this blog update. But the fact of not having internet at home makes it more difficult to post in a regular basis. And also that my everyday life is not as exciting that would make the blog interesting.
But this past weekend was great. Was awesome from begining til end, like in the good old days.
It all started last friday at 19:00 with my drop-in Volleyball at Britannia Community Center.
3 hours of great volleyball, with my favorite players. We defenitively broke a sweat. And then straight from there I went salsa dancing to Diavolos until 2:00. I WAS TIRED. That was a great workout and even more challenging if you count that this past week I was sick with a cold but I think I sweat off those viruses :D
Saturday started pretty early, waking up at 8:30, way before my alarm went off (i don't know what is happening lately, but my body doesn't want to sleep in like it used to) and I went to play tennis with the turkish crowd. I played most of the morning with Feza and we were really hitting that ball, it was a really good game. And after I practiced with Adriana, that being a beginer she has a great reverse move, she has a lot of potential, Kournikova is smoked.
The rest of the saturday was pretty lazy. I needed some rest so I half napped on my couch watching 'The holiday' until it was time to have Morrocan dinner at Feza and Adriana's place.
We had cuscus, and it was just amazing. Adriana is an excelent cook, and I know is a lot of work for her and becomes a full day process when you want to do it the right way, but lucky me I just have to eat it. She was also pretty pleased with the result but I don't think she will repeat it any time soon. She deserves a break. Anyone wants to organize a dinner? I can bring the wine.
And just like that it was sunday. A not too clear sunday at first, I didn't know what was laying infront of us, but Mr. Sun decided to appear and warm up a fantastic day.
I went with Jason to Squamish (you can see some photos in the flickr site). Once we got on site I understood why he invited me to got with him, he needed the beauty of my biceps to carry some logs hehehe.
It was and easy job "vinimos, vimos y les dimos una patada en el culo!!"
Ok..... maybe not that easy,.... ok.... maybe my biceps are not that impresive, but we had a good time. The area is beautiful with still some snow at the top of the mountains, and the sun warming up the scene.
I really liked the fact that we were in no rush, so we would be driving and whenever there was a nice spot we would stop and take some photos and chill around.
I like B.C. in that matter, from the city to the wilderness in less than 2 hours (although we didn't see any wild animals. No bears, or eagles or beavers :( only a wild bug that bit Jason and some ducks playing around. Oh wait! we saw a humming bird, although they are to fast to appreciate all their beauty, good thing that there is the National Geographic channel where they show them in slow motion.
Friday, March 30, 2007
New Beginning
My roomates are great, the house is big, great light, with deck, insuite laundry, has so many good things, not expensive, money wise, but talk about paying in person.
This woman would bitch about everyone (including you when you are not around) and has such negative energy that everything sucks, she would complaint about the most unimaginable things, the most stupid things.
She stops by the house every frikin week, and when she does, nobody would leaves their room, just because we can't stand her and we don't want to talk to her, talk about feeling looked down in your own "house". And I say 'house' because thaks to her we never were able to feel at 'home'.
But the good thing is that all that is over, I'm moving in with Kookie.
I'm really excited about it because even that at first we only knew each other from salsa we have found out that we have more things in comon than most of people would think, of course, always keeping our individuality.
For both of us our home is our sanctuary, we might love to party and go out, but when we are home we like our down time. I'm doing this move with a positive attitud, hoping that this is only a new beggining in my life.
Also it can't be worse than where i've been before, so i have nothing to worry about.
I really need this change. In Vancouver I really feel the weat season and how low my stamine is. But spring is coming, more sunny days and new perperctives.
I'm hating the actual move (eventhough it won't happen until sunday) but just thinkg of it, and having to organize things and put it all together is stressing me out, good thing that Raf, Laura and a friend of hers are going to help me.
Well, what stresses me the most is not having my own vehicle. I've always been independent in that matter, and i was able to get and move anything i needed too, but now i have to ask friends, and you must understand that everyone has their own life so you have to organize things around their schedules.
Well, we are almost their, is almost over and it will be only a couple of hours (I hope it will be less) and afterwards we'll go salsa dancing, and afterwards i will play my last game of my volleyball indoor season.
Beach, here I come!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
A good weekend

The schedules were different for a change and I managed to keep myself pretty busy.
On Friday i had my drop in volleyball session. I really like this one. I'm trying to make it a regular, the level is pretty high and becomes a challenge playing with guys. I love it, I always have, really good competition.
Last weekend they changed the salsa night at the LawCourts and they did it on saturday instead of friday. On the fridays i usually have to make a choice between voley and salsa but this time I was able to do both. It was great and being able to sleep in.
On the sunday we had a special occasion organized by Jennifer Perry and Stephen Dancey, you can see their site at and we had an extra salsa day, sunday afternoon at the Heritage Hall. It was really good, nice place, not too pack with nice dance floor and good music.
You can see more photos and videos in
You can see me in 3 videos, 1 with Rees and another 2 with Choco.
The rap up for that weekend was my volleyball league game, where we managed to win our 2 competitors, so i must say that felt pretty good, although on Monday i could feel my legs when i was walking.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Life is very fragile
I just got news from Spain.
I was gonna talk about the coincidences that happen in my life but this matter will have to wait.
My girlfriend's husband died this weekend and she is in the hospital.
They were just walking on the street and this car that was being chased by the cops hit them and killed the husband.
How fragile is life.
You wake up one day and you have your coffee, you are reading the paper and thinking, today is a nice day.
Maybe you decided to go for a ride with the bike, or watch a tennis match. Your day is going nice and easy.
The temperature is so nice today after dinner you decide to go for a walk with your husband/wife, just enjoying the freshness, looking the stores and there, crossing the street, suddenly everything is over, a car hits you and your life is gone.
No 'tomorrow I'll call my brother' no more 'tomorrow I'll start dancing classes' none of that.
This made me consider again that we should enjoy lot more our current life, not only is important to reach our goals but to enjoy the ride. What is the purpose of using all your time working to make money if when you look back there nothing that is going to make you smile, those shared moments with friends and family... oh! they are gone because you were too busy working.
Don't get me wrong, work is important, is an investment for your retirement, everyone needs money, but all within reason.
Anyways, to all of you, remember to do those things that you've been postponing for a while, who tells you you will be around tomorrow?
I was gonna talk about the coincidences that happen in my life but this matter will have to wait.
My girlfriend's husband died this weekend and she is in the hospital.
They were just walking on the street and this car that was being chased by the cops hit them and killed the husband.
How fragile is life.
You wake up one day and you have your coffee, you are reading the paper and thinking, today is a nice day.
Maybe you decided to go for a ride with the bike, or watch a tennis match. Your day is going nice and easy.
The temperature is so nice today after dinner you decide to go for a walk with your husband/wife, just enjoying the freshness, looking the stores and there, crossing the street, suddenly everything is over, a car hits you and your life is gone.
No 'tomorrow I'll call my brother' no more 'tomorrow I'll start dancing classes' none of that.
This made me consider again that we should enjoy lot more our current life, not only is important to reach our goals but to enjoy the ride. What is the purpose of using all your time working to make money if when you look back there nothing that is going to make you smile, those shared moments with friends and family... oh! they are gone because you were too busy working.
Don't get me wrong, work is important, is an investment for your retirement, everyone needs money, but all within reason.
Anyways, to all of you, remember to do those things that you've been postponing for a while, who tells you you will be around tomorrow?
Monday, February 26, 2007
And February is gone
Can any one tell what happend?
It was come and gone, I hardly shaw it. We are already looking forward the spring (thank god) because the rain is starting to get pretty anoying (today is even trying to snow).
And even with the cold weather last saturday i put a dress. We went to the Brazilian Carnival at Commodore and we had a great time, although i got a bit tired of the samba.
It sounded all the same, and i'm talking ALL the same. It looked like the same song over and over. It would've been better if they would've stop a few times and put some top40 music, to get a break.
There was a lot of people and the capoira and the costumes really made it cool.
By the end of the night i was dead, i couldn't stand my feet anymore.
I don't know what is happening lately but my feet really kill me this days when i go out.
Honestly, am i that old?
I should've done like one girl that we shaw, with runners. Furthermore, why we care so much about the shoes? Most of the guys never look that far down, they get stuck with 'the girls' or with your butt.
Although Matt claimed quite proud that he careas about woman shoes.
Sunday was a slow day starting with some chitchatting with Felicidad, discovering that my laptop has built-in microphone, and after running around checking out a bsmt suite in Kitsilano.
Burguer at Roxies with Kookie and some chocolate crepes for dessert. They were sooooo good.
Good thing that afterwards i played volleybal and Kookie..... (hm, from Raf's post i'm guessing Kookie never made it to the gym) Kookie was supposed to go to the gym, but i guess that didn't happend.
And that was pretty much it.
I'm really excited to move out closer to downtown, or even downtown.
I'm looking like crazy to see if we can make it possible for April.
Wish us luck, we deserve it, don't we?
It was come and gone, I hardly shaw it. We are already looking forward the spring (thank god) because the rain is starting to get pretty anoying (today is even trying to snow).
And even with the cold weather last saturday i put a dress. We went to the Brazilian Carnival at Commodore and we had a great time, although i got a bit tired of the samba.
It sounded all the same, and i'm talking ALL the same. It looked like the same song over and over. It would've been better if they would've stop a few times and put some top40 music, to get a break.
There was a lot of people and the capoira and the costumes really made it cool.
By the end of the night i was dead, i couldn't stand my feet anymore.
I don't know what is happening lately but my feet really kill me this days when i go out.
Honestly, am i that old?
I should've done like one girl that we shaw, with runners. Furthermore, why we care so much about the shoes? Most of the guys never look that far down, they get stuck with 'the girls' or with your butt.
Although Matt claimed quite proud that he careas about woman shoes.
Sunday was a slow day starting with some chitchatting with Felicidad, discovering that my laptop has built-in microphone, and after running around checking out a bsmt suite in Kitsilano.
Burguer at Roxies with Kookie and some chocolate crepes for dessert. They were sooooo good.
Good thing that afterwards i played volleybal and Kookie..... (hm, from Raf's post i'm guessing Kookie never made it to the gym) Kookie was supposed to go to the gym, but i guess that didn't happend.
And that was pretty much it.
I'm really excited to move out closer to downtown, or even downtown.
I'm looking like crazy to see if we can make it possible for April.
Wish us luck, we deserve it, don't we?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The weekend
I'm getting old, oh man I am.
Although in theory I'm not allow to say it because compared with the people i hang out with, I can still say that I'm in my twenties, but man, the day after I feel like in my forties.
On friday after work I went to play volleyball at Britannia community center with Lorn and Steve. It was awesome the team we had. Finally I was lucky and all the players were great, I've seen them around and these are the veterans, but man they can kick your ass and I was playing in power to help in that matter. It was just so much fun, I loved it.
The only thing that I would like to try for a change is playing with the net at woman's hight. With my 5'4" playing with guys hight 8' is hard to hit, but i still love it.
After volley I went straight to salsa dancing at the Law courts. Although last friday i could've passed because the music was terrible. Andres mentioned that later that night, after i left apparently got better, but i couldn't stay, i had to wake up early saturday to go to my Solidworks class.
And there started the short sleeping odyssey of the weekend.
Saturday morning i was tired, at the class i could only think of my bed but when i got home i couldn't sleep, i was tired but it just wouldn't happen, and i definitively needed to rest because that night we were going to Cupid's Ball at Commodore.
So that was a wasted saturday because i didn't sleep and at the same time, i didn't do anything.
At night i stopped by Raf's place to have some drinks and go from there with Andres to the party. It was funny the fact that Andres forgot his ticket at home and he had to go back.
How many times that has happen before. The only important thing that you need for that night, and you forget it. Hehehehe, i have to admit that i almost forgot too. When i was leaving my place i actually closed the door of my room but good thing i was doing a mental check list, and tachaaaann!! i had forgot it.
The party at Commoder was pretty good, the excuse of the name tag trying to find your match was pretty good break the ice and talk to people. Mine would've been better if it was for real, i was Jackeline Kennedy and i had to find Aristoteles Onasis. Wowowow, i wish i could've find that sugar daddy for me ;)
But the alternative that i found was pretty good and made the night enjoyable since Raf decided to totally disappear (the girls pulled him away, yeah right, they even had to point him with a gun for Raf to go with them) And Andres was lucky enough to find his match and they had to opportunity to win a trip to Mexico (I think).
Today i'm tired, again, i've been trying to sleep with not much luck because tonite i have another volleyball game. Why this happens to me, why everything is condensed in the weekend. The rest of the week is pretty open, but noooooooo, on the weekend i have to be pushing myself to do it all.
I might still in my twenties but man now i hate the day after. I'm going to need all the next week to recover.
Although in theory I'm not allow to say it because compared with the people i hang out with, I can still say that I'm in my twenties, but man, the day after I feel like in my forties.
On friday after work I went to play volleyball at Britannia community center with Lorn and Steve. It was awesome the team we had. Finally I was lucky and all the players were great, I've seen them around and these are the veterans, but man they can kick your ass and I was playing in power to help in that matter. It was just so much fun, I loved it.
The only thing that I would like to try for a change is playing with the net at woman's hight. With my 5'4" playing with guys hight 8' is hard to hit, but i still love it.
After volley I went straight to salsa dancing at the Law courts. Although last friday i could've passed because the music was terrible. Andres mentioned that later that night, after i left apparently got better, but i couldn't stay, i had to wake up early saturday to go to my Solidworks class.
And there started the short sleeping odyssey of the weekend.
Saturday morning i was tired, at the class i could only think of my bed but when i got home i couldn't sleep, i was tired but it just wouldn't happen, and i definitively needed to rest because that night we were going to Cupid's Ball at Commodore.
So that was a wasted saturday because i didn't sleep and at the same time, i didn't do anything.
At night i stopped by Raf's place to have some drinks and go from there with Andres to the party. It was funny the fact that Andres forgot his ticket at home and he had to go back.
How many times that has happen before. The only important thing that you need for that night, and you forget it. Hehehehe, i have to admit that i almost forgot too. When i was leaving my place i actually closed the door of my room but good thing i was doing a mental check list, and tachaaaann!! i had forgot it.
The party at Commoder was pretty good, the excuse of the name tag trying to find your match was pretty good break the ice and talk to people. Mine would've been better if it was for real, i was Jackeline Kennedy and i had to find Aristoteles Onasis. Wowowow, i wish i could've find that sugar daddy for me ;)
But the alternative that i found was pretty good and made the night enjoyable since Raf decided to totally disappear (the girls pulled him away, yeah right, they even had to point him with a gun for Raf to go with them) And Andres was lucky enough to find his match and they had to opportunity to win a trip to Mexico (I think).
Today i'm tired, again, i've been trying to sleep with not much luck because tonite i have another volleyball game. Why this happens to me, why everything is condensed in the weekend. The rest of the week is pretty open, but noooooooo, on the weekend i have to be pushing myself to do it all.
I might still in my twenties but man now i hate the day after. I'm going to need all the next week to recover.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
And the second one
Thanks to Raf!
Now I have the link to my flickr photos.
Now i just have to upload photos, hehe.
Now I have the link to my flickr photos.
Now i just have to upload photos, hehe.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
A new begining
For whatever reason I feel I'm going to be more commited to this blog that the one in msn.
I know it doesn't make any sense, but this look seems from friendly user than msn.
I hope that is true an you guys enjoy my sharings.
Read you around,
I know it doesn't make any sense, but this look seems from friendly user than msn.
I hope that is true an you guys enjoy my sharings.
Read you around,
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