Sunday, February 11, 2007

The weekend

I'm getting old, oh man I am.
Although in theory I'm not allow to say it because compared with the people i hang out with, I can still say that I'm in my twenties, but man, the day after I feel like in my forties.

On friday after work I went to play volleyball at Britannia community center with Lorn and Steve. It was awesome the team we had. Finally I was lucky and all the players were great, I've seen them around and these are the veterans, but man they can kick your ass and I was playing in power to help in that matter. It was just so much fun, I loved it.
The only thing that I would like to try for a change is playing with the net at woman's hight. With my 5'4" playing with guys hight 8' is hard to hit, but i still love it.

After volley I went straight to salsa dancing at the Law courts. Although last friday i could've passed because the music was terrible. Andres mentioned that later that night, after i left apparently got better, but i couldn't stay, i had to wake up early saturday to go to my Solidworks class.
And there started the short sleeping odyssey of the weekend.
Saturday morning i was tired, at the class i could only think of my bed but when i got home i couldn't sleep, i was tired but it just wouldn't happen, and i definitively needed to rest because that night we were going to Cupid's Ball at Commodore.

So that was a wasted saturday because i didn't sleep and at the same time, i didn't do anything.

At night i stopped by Raf's place to have some drinks and go from there with Andres to the party. It was funny the fact that Andres forgot his ticket at home and he had to go back.
How many times that has happen before. The only important thing that you need for that night, and you forget it. Hehehehe, i have to admit that i almost forgot too. When i was leaving my place i actually closed the door of my room but good thing i was doing a mental check list, and tachaaaann!! i had forgot it.

The party at Commoder was pretty good, the excuse of the name tag trying to find your match was pretty good break the ice and talk to people. Mine would've been better if it was for real, i was Jackeline Kennedy and i had to find Aristoteles Onasis. Wowowow, i wish i could've find that sugar daddy for me ;)
But the alternative that i found was pretty good and made the night enjoyable since Raf decided to totally disappear (the girls pulled him away, yeah right, they even had to point him with a gun for Raf to go with them) And Andres was lucky enough to find his match and they had to opportunity to win a trip to Mexico (I think).

Today i'm tired, again, i've been trying to sleep with not much luck because tonite i have another volleyball game. Why this happens to me, why everything is condensed in the weekend. The rest of the week is pretty open, but noooooooo, on the weekend i have to be pushing myself to do it all.
I might still in my twenties but man now i hate the day after. I'm going to need all the next week to recover.


YaletownYuppie said...

you have nothing to complain about, old lady! and for the record, i looked for you in the second hour but you were nowhere to be found. so it was back to my ladies!

Irene said...

You didn't go to the washroom.
We were at the bar next to the washrooms, then you would've found me. ;p